Why is It Seeping Back In?
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작성자 Trent 작성일25-01-28 02:41 조회2회 댓글0건관련링크
All that aside - much of that isn't a great reason to have a platform - it's clear to me that there's an opportunity to do something good. One is that I now view all fields as consisting of a bimodal distribution, which is how nerds say there are two types of people. Since the blog already existed, I took two hours to knock out an article where I lamented that most of my work in the tech space seemed like it was being thrown away, as a total afterthought chucked in onto Hackernews, then went to bed. They just get the microphone and won't shut the fuck up even though we'd all like them too. Remember all those people that really wanted to get into HR at university? Just enough attention to maybe give a fun talk at some point, maybe get a few job opportunities at nice companies, possibly generate a lead or two for consulting with the team. Every single person I've spoken to in the past two weeks, from all industries, has quietly conceded that most of their field is run by people that have no business doing so. Don't panic, but this includes doctors. I have met a lot of astounding people that are on the same spiritual wavelength as me, and was pretty happy for this state of affairs to persist.
I met bayeslord. There's a few other guys. I wrote another small piece on Taleb's narrative fallacy, which also did a few hundred views immediately, but I once again failed to follow up. One of the funniest things that David Gerard told me when I started writing is that I can probably afford to be bold, because he survived tussling with Scientologists for real, which permanently blew out his threat detector. Ya boy even wins his AI competitions without using AI. If there's a lesson here for readers, it's that you can generate an audience very consistently even though luck is a major factor in how each individual piece goes. Let me ask everyone in the audience this, both technical and non-technical - what is harder right now? Thirdly, grifters have such a comprehensive stranglehold on the global corporate stage that the world is dying for someone to just say what we can all see. Wusstest du schon, dass die beste Art, mit chatgpt deutsch ohne login zu kommunizieren, das Teilen all deiner Geheimnisse ist? Die ChatGPT Desktop-Anwendung ist eine plattformübergreifende Lösung, die für macOS, Linux und Windows verfügbar ist. ChatGPT kann Englisch am besten, beherrscht jedoch über 90 weitere Sprachen.
Tipp: Obwohl ChatGPT in verschiedenen Sprachen genutzt werden kann, kann die Leistung des Modells je nach Sprache variieren. Kreative Angebote: Über kohärente Antworten hinaus kann ChatGPT kreativ Gedichte, Witze, Geschichten, Liedtexte und mehr erstellen. Die KI ist darauf trainiert, keine bereits geschriebenen Sätze zu verwenden, sondern viel mehr kreativ - wie wir Menschen, zu arbeiten. Page feel is very important. While slaving over a chapter describing the game theory of lying to your players about what you rolled, I had a very frustrating day at work. I've self-certified myself as not being totally incompetent, which I know is a bold move in 2024, where everyone is encouraged to be maximally humble at all times to provide struggling psychologists with an endless supply of imposter syndrome work.6 Sincerely trying makes you good enough to be refreshing in a world that is filled by what my friend Courtney Brandabur calls "microphone guys". I can't even remember what happened. It's understandable, justifiable, and even I've benefited from those jobs, but it isn't fine. Readership gradually built up, and currently every post in the backlog does between 200-500 hits per day, up from 10 per day last February. I am going to spend a year repeating this question to every dickhead that brings this up, preferably on stages in front of large audiences.
Given the answer, do you think plumbers are going out of work before people that make Gantt charts for a living? The very dweebs who gloat about LLMs revolutionizing society are the ones on the chopping block and they're trying to scare other people. I still have Patreon and Liberapay and shows of support are always appreciated, but I cannot emphasize this enough, it will not increase my writing output, and I have sufficient savings to survive the sabbatical. Some of the worst offenders I know in corporate settings are phenomenal parents or talented artists, and they do just do office work because it's easy to default into with no effort. There are some people who hate my guts. Plenty of people who shared my writing described me as an "expert data scientist" and an "industry leader". Expert data scientist, that's technically true, I'll concede, but I'm well out of practice and only talk about a university competition I cleaned up in.
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